However, <#3600#><TT>(mail screen-1 reply background)</TT><#3600#> is clearly the closest match and
has the highest ``score.''
The <#3601#><TT>xlib:get-resource</TT><#3601#> function uses the above algorithm to look up the
resource value in a resource database which is the closest match to a given
complete resource name and class.
The most common access to resources occurs during contact initialization, using
the complete resource name and class of the contact. The <#3602#><TT>resource</TT><#3602#> function
may be used to return the value of a contact resource found at initialization. The <#3603#><TT>resource</TT><#3603#> function also returns a resource value of the correct
representation type. The <#3604#><TT>default-resources</TT><#3604#> function may be used to return